About Us
The role of Sampano is to establish a coordinated local value chain, providing opportunities for growers and processors to participate in the local nutraceutical value chain. To provide support and information and to create direct access to Australian and export markets.
Sampano is a participant in the Fight Food Waste CRC and is a founding member of NSIP, the Nutraceutical Science & Innovation Project, along with CSIRO and Swisse Wellness.

Adrian Spencer
Commencing in the Agriculture sector in NE Victoria in 1992, Adrian has first hand experience in growing, harvesting and processing for local and export markets, across chestnuts, berries, cherries, apples and stone fruit. Following this, Adrian worked around Australia as a Geologist and then within the Taxation advisory division of Ernst & Young for 6 years, in Melbourne, in particular, supporting Research & Development companies. Since 2006 Adrian has established multiple companies, working with Industry to secure over $500 million in funding for innovation and expansion projects all around Australia, including the Agriculture and Manufacture sectors. Having established deep value chain contacts (and clients) as well as government, research and community links, Adrian launched Sampano in late 2016.