Nutraceutical Road Map

What is the Nutraceutical Industry?

Nutraceuticals contain ingredients isolated from foods that provide health benefits. They are generally sold as vitamins, health supplements and body care products. The nutraceutical sector is growing rapidly both domestically and in export sales.

We set out to answer the question: Is it possible to build a local Australian value chain for the Nutraceutical Industry?

We believe it is!

Over the last five years, the Nutraceutical Industry in Australia has seen extraordinary growth, which is projected to continue, especially off the back of exports to China and the broader Asian market.

The raw ingredients used in the manufacture of vitamin tablets, capsules and so on, are imported to Australia. There are many crops we have an abundance of in Australia, that can become a nutraceutical. There are often large quantities discarded as waste.

Who are we?

We are passionate about building Australian capability to supply the nutraceutical industry. We’re working on a online trading platform to make it east to buy and sell within the value chain.

$1.1 Billion worth of ingredients are imported annually into Australia by contract manufacturers for use in the Nutraceutical Industry - across vitamins, minerals, health supplements, baby nutrition and cosmetics. We believe these imports can be replaced with locally grown and refined inputs.

The role of Sampano is to establish a coordinated local value chain, providing opportunities for growers and processors to participate in the local nutraceutical value chain. To provide support and information and to create direct access to Australian and export markets.

Sampano is a participant in the Fight Food Waste CRC and is a founding member of NSIP, the Nutraceutical Science & Innovation Project, along with CSIRO and Swisse Wellness.

Are you looking for new high value markets?
Do you have waste or byproduct you’d like to sell?
Do you want to diversify your revenue streams?
Not sure? We can help you find out.
Just want us keep you in the loop with regular updates about this emerging industry?